
Azure VM Utilising Azure Key Vault for SSH Key Authentication

In this article we will demonstrate how we can leverage Azure Key Vault for managing SSH keys to access our Azure Virtual Machines. It is always a challenge as to how we manage secure information especially private keys,...

Automated Deployment – Azure VM Scale Sets with Updates

In this article we will cover off Azure VM Scale Sets (VMSS) and how we can leverage them to automatically deploy/scale our web applications. To make this more usable to deploy our custom applications, we will leverage A...

Azure – Ansible Deploy Kubernetes Cluster using Resource Group Templates

In this article we will show the process to deploy a simple Kubernetes cluster on Azure using Kubespray and Azure Resource Group Templates. All commands will be running using Azure CLI via the Azure Cloud Shell. For a pr...

Azure CLI Primer – Azure Cloud Shell

This article aims to unlock the power of Azure Cloud Shell, a powerful and easy to use command line interface to spin up and manage your Azure workloads. In this post we will deploy a simple Centos 7.x (latest) Azure VM ...